JavaScript is a browser-based programming language.
- Javascript Guide. Introductory material to programming in Javascript.
- Javascript Reference. The complete language reference.
- JavaScript Tutorial at
- ppk on JavaScript is an excellent online reference to the JavaScript language. The author has also published a book of this material.
- The Document Object Model refers to the object-oriented model of a web page that JavaScript uses to interact with the page. (Each page is a Document object, which in turn has an array of Element objects, one for each element in the page.)
Frameworks are JavaScript libraries that make it easy to develop and extend your JavaScript programs and create dynamic web applications.
- Prototype provides Ajax calls and DOM extensions.
- is an add-on to the Prototype framework, with animation, drag and drop, Ajax controls, and DOM utilities.
- jQuery is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages.
- Dojo - Ajax, events, packaging, CSS-based querying, animations, JSON, language utilities, and a lot more. All at 23K.
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