Logs of Online Events
These are logs of some online events that have occured on HT. Most
logs have typos, but then these are pretty close to being the exact
things people typed in during that event. The most recent events are
listed first.
- Threadfall over Southern Ista
- December 18, 1997.
- Synth's Clutching
- October 18, 1997.
- Threadfall over Paradise Hold
- July 17, 1997.
- Threadfall over Blacksands
- July 9, 1997.
- OOC Ista Weyr Meeting
- At Ista Weyr, July 6, 1997.
- Log of Ista
Weyr's 15th Hatching - Double clutch, Synth x Bronze Versalth
and Tiareth x Bronze Talsath
- Craft/Hold Leaders Meeting
- IC/OOC, at Ista Hold, June 21, 1997.
- Amber Star Presentation
- IC, at Ista Hold, August 4 1996.
- Ista Weyr Meeting
- IC/OOC, at Ista Weyr, July 29 1996.
- D'thon's Storytelling Party
- IC, at Silver Cove, July 28 1996.
- Hatching of Tiareth & Jhanath's Clutch
- At Ista Weyr, July 15th 1996.
- Leader Meeting
- In Hell, July 14th 1996.
- Hatching of Torienth's Clutch
- At Ista Weyr (first hatching after the move), August 9?, 1995.
- Moving Torienth's Clutch from Southern
to Ista Weyr, July 1995.