| On the drive over to Fairhope - this is the Baytown bridge, a pretty neat suspension bridge close to where I (currently) live in Houston. Seen through the front window...
 | The bridge again, rearview.
 | There's a
looooong stretch of I-10 that crosses over the Atchafalaya swamp. I'm
uncertain of the length but it must be several miles. Hard to see
anything when you're whizzing by at 65mph, but I took this of the swamp out my window.
 | View from the balcony at Away at the Bay.
 | Mom heading down the hill to the pier. The main house is on a bluff above the bay; there's a very steep driveway (no stairs, alas) leading down to the pier. It's a chore getting down there...
 | Another look from the top of the hill, through the trees at some neighboring piers.
 | Walking down the hill now, this is a pic of the lower yard, a derelict hobie cat (probably hasn't been sailed in years...) and the bay.
 | Finally made it down that monster hill. Here's a look back at the house from the pier. You can just barely see the house behind the trees. Most of the eastern shore is like this - houses well hidden behind trees, you wouldn't know the shore was pretty much built up, to look at it from the water...
 | Looking south along the shore.
 | Close to the shore, this little pile of natural growth and debris caught my eye. Driftwood, a pine cone (the shore is crowded with tall pine trees), and some round-leafed ground-hugging plant that I don't know the name of but thought was very cute.
 | My dad.
 | Glittering afternoon view of Mobile Bay.
 | Ironwork arch leading into the private courtyard (all of the villas open out onto this area). That's mom sitting up on the balcony. We just hiked back up that monster hill from the pier, and boy are we pooped. :)