Dressage - Rolex 3-Day Event 2002

A few photos from dressage day. I wasn't really paying too much attention to who was riding, so I'm not sure who any of these folks are. We were sitting a good bit away from the action (and unfortunately kinda behind a slight hill), but I still got a few ok pix. All of these were taken with my new 3x telephoto lens on the coolpix 990. It worked ok but doesn't hold a candle to SLR telephotos...

Cantering horse
A shot over the little hill. The general admission crowd is in the background. You can also see the nice greenery - I was happy that Lexington was mostly green and in bloom when we were there.
Prancing horse
Trotting horse
Walking horse
I believe this (rider) is one of the Davidsons (either Bruce or Buck, but I dont recall which now). Walking around the arena preparing to start.
Same fellow, saluting the judge.

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